Posts tagged ‘Prophetic Word’

Watch Out for Distractions

Doug Addison
Doug Addison

Last January I released a prophetic word for 2011 and said that the entire year will be strategic:

We will begin moving into more clarity about our destinies as God has been shifting our assignments. Similar to 2010, we will see a major increase and thrust in March of 2011 at the beginning of Spring. During April our time of waiting will be turned into a time of action. New life will come in June and by September of 2011 things that many have longed for will take more shape.

It is time to spring into action. One of my guiding Bible verses is Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Notice that ask, seek, and knock are all proactive steps and the door will not be open “for you” but “to you.” This is a time right now to take initiative and watch and see what new opportunities begin to open.

Watch Out For Distractions

As you begin to take action, watch out for distractions in communications and technology. I have not seen such a fierce attack on communications in a very long time. The enemy is trying to cause disruption and miscommunications with people right now. The reason for this is that God is releasing divine connections that will be strategic for the coming years.

While preparing to deliver this message on my webcast on April 5, the company who hosts our live web stream went down and we had trouble with the recording. My new Macbook Pro notebook has been in the shop for three weeks and Apple still cannot figure out what’s wrong. While preparing to place this article on my Blog, I accidentally nuked my custom Blog design.

If you experience technological distractions and breakdowns, don’t misunderstand this to be a block. We must break through right now. As a result of all the setbacks, I asked God for full repayment of what the enemy is stealing and disrupting. Just this week I was given two brand new Macbook Pros that are of a greater value than what I had before. It is time to turn the distractions into blessings.

Divine Connections Starting Now

Many people are being called to something new right now. This is why things have slowed down on your current situation. The new has not fully come yet. Starting in April through June be careful to make choices that will open new opportunities and not repeat old ones.

Obviously you need to pray about this, but if you are given the choice to do something new versus something that you are comfortable with doing, try to stretch yourself to do the new. From this will come new connections you will need for future advancement.

The Power of a “Spiritual Passover”

Passover, which was just celebrated, is a Jewish festival that reminds us of God’s greatness when He gave instructions to the Israelites in Egypt that would cause the spirit of death to “pass over” their houses (Exodus 11–12). The spiritual aspect of “Passover” is still available to us today.

When bad things happen and it appears to be judgment or tragedy in any form – whether economic, spiritual, environmental, or whatever – God will most often let His people know how to avoid it or at least how to suffer minimal damage. In some cases, God will even show His people how to profit during a downturn (Genesis 41). The key is to listen to God’s voice as He speaks to us and follow the instructions that He gives.

My Dream of a Bad Storm

I had a dream earlier last year that a fierce storm (maybe the worst ever) was coming to the west coast of the U.S. It appeared that we were going to suffer great losses and maybe even die. Everyone was panicking and running to take cover. Faith rose up in me and I felt an anointing from God to stand and watch this storm. I saw a consuming fire in the storm and, just as it approached my house, it passed over and immediately it was a bright sunny day with a rainbow in the sky. I was amazed that there was no damage at all to my property or my loved ones.

I awoke from the dream realizing that we need to stand in the midst of the storms coming against us personally and as a nation. God will give us instructions on what to do and when to do it. The key is to remain at peace and do not be afraid. We need to understand that the principle of disaster passing over is still available to us today.

With all the tragedies and uncertain events happening in the U.S. and the world right now, we need to ask for God’s glory to be released in greater measure. Ask God to cause the bad things to pass over you, and pray that God reveals strategies from Heaven. It is a great time to be alive!


Doug Addison
InLight Connection


Doug Addison is a prominent international conference speaker, author and has been a featured guest on television and radio for a number of years. His events are fun and high-energy as he uses media and stand-up comedy as a means of communicating deep insights. He is an experienced prophetic dream interpreter and a professional stand-up comedian.

God Turns the Tables: His Transition Time is Now!

John Mark Pool
John Mark and Sandy Pool

Prophetic Word for USA and God’s Timing

“…humanity will again begin to align their wills with Who God is in relationship to how we fit His plan! God’s time-clock is soon to strike 12:00 (midnight into a new day). Currently we are in 2011, a year of transformations and transitions. As we move into 2012, we will see many of the changes for the good of the family of God, as we understand it is a year of the apostles bringing into fullness the true government of God! God, my friend, is government! Our shaking is now taking us into His time-plan for His Movement.”

Dutch Sheets

Recently I saw Dutch Sheets’ face during my morning prayer, and God reminded me of the word he gave us at the Elijah List’s “What is God Saying for 2011?” annual conference concerning the Gate Beautiful: It is really a “Timing Gate.” (You can purchase the word by Dutch Sheets for our year 2011 from “What is God Saying for 2011?” on The Elijah List.)

I asked God what He meant by my seeing Dutch’s face. The Lord told me he was a “representative” apostle for God’s government, like a refined “jewel,” one who demonstrates precision movements for the right timepiece for God’s Move in our nation. As this is published, Dutch Sheets is now moving to be positioned for this nation’s greatest Move! We must be prepared to go through transition to appropriate the very will and way of the Father’s heart. Those who pay the price will have the authority to be the “fine-tuned” movements that bring us into the proper timing and will for God!

God’s Precision Timing Brings to Pass His Prophetic Words Through His Apostles and Prophets

The precise timing of God done through His order and alignment of the apostles and prophets becomes like a very fine-tuned “watch.” I consider this to also mean that the “watch people” on God’s wall will be in alignment for this refinement to produce the results the Father wants – adoration from His family to demonstrate Father’s heart of love and mercy! We must now become the Great-Grace Precision “Watch of the Lord” for the ones who do not know the love of the Father at such a time as this.

Today is truly the “time” (or day) of salvation from both our Creator and also our Father. Just lift up Jesus, because He will indeed – at this time – draw all people unto Him. People always try to view disaster as “harsh” judgment from God to punish all the sinners for their choices to sin. Consequences always accompany sin, yet we are not God’s appointed judges to return evil for evil! If we do this, we have played subtly into the enemy’s hand, because that is how the devil works.

God Turns the Tables: His Transition Time is Now!

We have just come through the Feast of Purim (March 19-21, 2011) in the Hebraic month of Adar, which is a feast that shows pride came before Haman’s fall! Queen Esther represents the risk that is required to obey the Father’s heart during the time of transitions. For those who hear and obey, it is total surrender accompanied by complete victory!

It is not a coincidence that we have recently celebrated the season of “turning the tables” on the proud and arrogant enemy of the Lord to save God’s people. Like the message of the Book of Esther, with all the circumstances that were essential to the survival of God’s people living in Persia, we recognize these “circumstances” were not the result of chance but God’s grand design. As the symbolic representation of Haman as a bloodline descendent of King Agag, an enemy of the Jews, Haman allowed his root of pride and arrogance to attempt to exterminate God’s chosen people.

Consequently, by the providence of God, the timing of astute Mordecai’s wisdom (representing the apostolic ordering) in concert with a daring Queen Esther’s influence (God’s prophetic word for the King) to risk it all for the salvation of the Jewish nation, God thus turned the tables. Haman’s lust for power and pride for dominance of the Kingdom of God was revealed to the earthly King Ahasuerus of Persia and how the God of the queen he loved is the real, one true Jehovah Elohim.

For women like Esther, it is also a message of the transition of our time for them to now step into their destiny, regardless of the risks, to see the new authority of the Father worked through them to now bring to birth a major move of God as the nation has never seen. Let the Esthers now arise! This new move will use everyone who is ready to “lay it all on the line for the King,” and they will become the generation who “saves” God’s people – all humanity!

Today, indeed, there is a “beautiful” timepiece at the Timing Gates of God to turn the tides against the enemy’s plan! This is “high time” to humble ourselves as did Mordecai, Esther and the fasting Jewish nation, to press into this move as all or none! Today is indeed the moment, hour, and day of Salvation! Remember, Christ in us is indeed the hope of God’s glory in a very desperate world. Now is the time more than ever to lift up Jesus!

What is Success?

Success should be measured in the plan of God and not the plan humans offer God. We have risen from a plan of God to take dominion and multiply. It is what we multiply that truly matters to our Creator-God. In man’s eyes, apart from God, it has been in recorded history that success has been equated with physical wealth, power, and human domination of the world. It is the right desire, yet without God at the center of the plan, it becomes a “counterfeit kingdom plan for man.”

Riches are not sin; taking dominion and multiplying is our mandate, yet it included, at the core of our calling, the worship and fellowship honoring our God as Maker and Savior of His own creation. Rest assured, we are now in a pivotal point of returning to the very purpose of why God placed man at the helm of His Kingdom development plan. 2011 is our transformation time to transition into God’s plan for Kingdom multiplication on earth as it is in Heaven!

Success for man is when God views our hearts surrendered to His will and way! Success is the time when the Lord views that our true hearts are really open to His every desire. However, it was often trust in God that brought a nation on the way to building a great nation.

God’s own family, Israel, was chosen to bring forth a great nation who would honor Jehovah God and be at work furthering His Kingdom. This did indeed bring forth a Savior, of the lineage of David, but it was not as smooth as it could have been. Just like many civilizations, including the rise and fall of the Roman empire, they forgot what it took to bring them to where they had progressed…

Relationship involves regular discipline from desire. If we lose our “first love,” it is not forsaking the love yet allowing other ingredients to get in the way that keeps us from a “hot fire”-of-desire altar burning bright before Father God on a 24/7 basis. Has your first love grown less than what it should be now?

Love is Spelled T-I-M-E

Growing up a “Baby Boomer,” we did not have the problems we face in our nation today. As I was raised, our nation was a very success-driven and booming country, with a marked focus on family, morals, education and faith in God. We were enjoying one of the greatest eras of history while American national pride had reached new levels. We now had a paved road to again become a model of a nation birthed and dedicated to God! However, as the boomers grew of age, we did not want to keep up the same moral lifestyles or discipline it cost our parents to stay a model of a “Christian nation.” Or, at least the “boomers” were trying to say, “We don’t want success of man over relationship!”

All young people scream out for one thing in common: relationship!

Someone coined the phrase, “Love is spelled T-I-M-E.” This really says to a young person, no matter who is right or wrong, “We just want the time with someone who really cares to hear us!

Wrong motives and wrong relationships lack the ability to hear someone crying out for help, for answers, for love. Why? Because if it is not genuine love, then there cannot be real care for others. The human relationship at its best, not validated by Christ at the center, will be a form of God’s plan but lack the power of His divine love. If it is human-birthed, carnally created, it will bear, at best, “good fruit” – but not “God’s fruit.” Remember, God’s fruit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (see Galatians 5:19-25).

Galatians 5:22-25 states, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

But education replaced spiritual pursuit, and the philosophy of human rationalism embraced “far out” ways to find love, peace and success by carnal ways. The “boomers,” and all youth, are still searching for the relationship that has the “fruit” to back it up!

That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6 KJV

I remember, as a kid, some of the most powerful revival meetings were held in huge tents with leaders like Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, and William Branham. I also vividly remember how little time our parents had for their own family. However, the “Fifties” environment of the New Latter Rain Movement of revival brought new understanding to “living in the Spirit” rather than pursuing man’s view of success.

From the re-birth of the Pentecostal experience, moves like the Latter Rain, we still cannot forget it was the relationship Jesus had previously had with His disciples that caused Peter to become an on-fire evangelist winning thousands and growing the new Church! Once Peter was truly in Christ’s relationship, he was then able to go from an “upper room” experience into the birthing of the Church where thousands were transformed by the message of Jesus Christ’s resurrection power. A “power of fire” experience is important, yet the fruit of Pentecost was the explosion of the Church with souls being added and multiplied.

Moves of God Have a Reason – We Must Focus on God’s Purpose!

“The Latter Rain Movement had its beginnings in the years following World War II and was contemporary with the evangelical awakening that was occurring with Billy Graham at the forefront, as well as the Healing Revival with Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, and William Branham” (Wikipedia). These were some very powerful men of God, who pioneered a great move of God! However, we do not want to lose what God brought us then or now!

We had a great move of God where the Lord had an opportunity for men of God to shift a heavy dose of Pentecostalism into a “fiery evangelism” of this nation and the world. We should always look for ways to offer the torch to the youth, who will need the wisdom of experienced elders, yet will be able to run harder with such youthful strength.

We are now able to learn from our past and as present day spiritual leaders we can invest this Third Great Awakening move into people and into our youth! It’s time for the new wine in a new wineskin! We who are in love with God know we win the war, yet we must now help others through all forms of shaking – as we arrive at the greatest Awakening the world has ever witnessed!

John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries
